Our mandate

In accordance with the first final provision of Act 4/2005, of 18 February, on Equality between Women and Men, which amends article 3 of Act 2/1988, of 5 February, establishing Emakunde, and Decree 214/2006, of 31 October, establishing the organic and functional structure of Emakunde, the Institute is responsible for carrying out:

  •  Preparation of the directives aimed at obtaining the aforementioned objectives and promoting their application by the different public powers in the Autonomous Region.
  •  Monitoring of equality policies and of autonomous legislation regarding their adaptation to the principle of equal opportunities, except for anti-discriminatory normative.
  •  Preparation of proposals for legislative reforms aimed at eliminating the obstacles that hinder or prevent real and effective equality between both sexes and the proposal for the normative of development of this act.
  •  The issue of reports and judgements regarding equal opportunities during the preparation of the general provisions promoted by the Autonomous Region Authorities.
  •  Design of methods to integrate the gender perspective into all political areas.
  •  Proposal to the appropriate bodies of the Basque public authorities of the basic minimum conditions regarding the functions and skills of staff in the different organisations, bodies and units related to equal opportunities.
  •  Proponer a los órganos competentes de las administraciones públicas vascas las condiciones mínimas básicas y comunes por lo que respecta a las funciones y a la capacitación del personal de las diferentes entidades, órganos y unidades competentes en materia de igualdad de mujeres y hombres.
  •  Advice and collaboration with the Basque public authorities on the design of the training plans regarding equal opportunities and on the achieving of the proposals objectives.
  •  Promoting and coordination of the objectives of the Inter-departmental Commission for Equal Opportunities and the Inter-institutional Commission for Equal Opportunities and the promotion of the necessary coordinating measures among the different public powers of the Autonomous Region in relation to the programmes involving the situation of women and equal opportunities.
  •  Study of the different conditions, needs and interests of men and women and the inequalities derived from them in politics, the economy, culture and society, particularly promoting the implementation of studies aimed at structuring the policy to be undertaken in the different areas of action.
  •  Advice and establishing of training measures to provide companies and organisations with material, economic and human resources to develop plans, programmes and activities aimed at obtaining equal opportunities.
  •  Proposal to the appropriate body regarding the requirements and basic minimum and common conditions applicable to the official approval of companies to provide services in terms of equal opportunities.
  •  Promotion and proposal in terms of service provision aimed at ensuring access to basic social rights by women suffering multiple discrimination.
  •  Promotion and proposal in terms of social-community service provision and adaptation that favour conciliation of the private, family and working lives of men and women.
  •  Sensitisation of citizens, carrying out the necessary sensitisation, promotion and circulation activities and campaigns regarding the meaning and importance of equal opportunities and the need to work to achieve this and the empowerment of women.
  •  Establishing relationships and channels of participation with associations, foundations and other bodies and organisations that, according to their activities or functions, contribute towards the attaining of the objectives of the institute.
  •  Establishing relationships and channels of participation with institutions and similar organisations from other autonomous regions, nationwide and in the international community.
  •  Any other function that may be commissioned in relation to its objectives”.