Promoting women's economic autonomy throughout their life cycle.

Encouraging decent employment as a way to increase the activity and employment rate and reduce the number of poor working women.

Promoting a reduction of the wage gap and the pension gap in the Basque Country.

Reinforcing the commitment of companies and organisations in the Basque Country to equality between women and men.

Considering the empowerment of women and girls as an essential condition for equality between women and men, as expressed at the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995).

Guaranteeing that women have the possibility of making free decisions in all areas and spaces, both private and public.

Promoting comprehensive sexual education, encouraging and protecting women to make independent and non-stereotyped decisions about their bodies, sexuality and reproductive life.

Developing mechanisms that allow women to play a leading role in their lives and in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the Basque Country and that contribute to overcoming the "glass ceiling".

Unanimously addressing male violence against women and girls as a serious violation of human rights. It is a major social, structural and public health problem and the most serious representation of unequal power relations between women and men.

Developing the Law for Equality between Women and Men and Living Free of Gender Violence against Women and implementing the measures foreseen to avoid re-victimisation and promoting compensation for women victims/survivors.

Deepening and strengthening inter-institutional coordination and public-private collaboration in cases of male violence against women and girls.

Preventing male violence from the earliest ages, seeking the involvement of men and boys, and improving detection and attention to less visible forms and representations of violence, such as cyber-violence, sexual violence, economic violence and trafficking of women and girls.

Enabling learning and embracing from an early age that all people are equal and that the desires, expectations, contributions, opinions and actions of women and men must have the same value and visibility.

Promoting coeducation as a way to reduce inequalities in the educational community and dismantling social mandates and stereotypes about how women and men should be and behave, and promoting the empowerment of girls and involving boys as future agents of change towards equality.

Generating the conditions required for the younger generations to learn to identify inequalities and discrimination against women (even the most subtle), including those committed through social networks, mobilising against them and exercising their right to equality from the diversity they represent.

Recognising those who were pioneers and are a benchmark for building and developing women's human rights, consolidating and not taking for granted the achievements that have been made in terms of equality between women and men. Also, promoting intergenerational exchange and dialogue for equality and leaving a legacy that younger generations can pick up to continue moving forward in building an egalitarian country.

Recognising care -remunerated or not- as a central and essential dimension for sustaining life, the well-being of all people and coexistence, and promoting the generalisation of the ethics and practice of care, including self-care, especially among men.

Promoting co-responsibility in the provision of care between the public, private, women and men and society in general, where the public sector plays an increasingly important role, considering that all people are interdependent and need care, to a greater extent in certain stages of our lives.

Promoting a fairer distribution and sharing of care, so that many of the activities that are mostly carried out by women are taken out of the home and the family sphere and men, institutions, companies, social and economic agents, the community and society as a whole take co-responsibility for providing these.

Dignifying the care sector and improving the conditions of those who work in this field, which is especially precarious in the case of domestic workers.

Promoting measures so that those who perform domestic and care work in situations of greater vulnerability, such as single-parent families, also have the right to self-care, to lead healthy lives and have access to resources such as employment.

Considering that in the unequal and hierarchical social model in which we live, men as a social group have a situation and position of power that generates privileges, and that it is essential to dismantle these privileges and the negative consequences they generate in women, in society and in their own personal growth and human development.

Recognising that progress towards equality is not only a women’s issue, it also affects men, so their involvement and impact in all areas where they participate is essential.

Making visible the benefits that equality brings not only to women and girls, but also to men, boys and society.

Questioning the traditional model of masculinity and promoting other masculinities, based on respect for diversity and a commitment to equality between women and men and against male violence.

Incorporating the knowledge provided by women and their organisations in the search for solutions to global warming and the consequences of climate change in the Basque Country, including gender inequalities that may be generated in the migratory processes resulting from climate change.

Promoting public policies and actions developed by society as a whole to move forward towards a sustainable and fair energy model that takes into account eco-dependence and puts people at the centre without increasing the inequalities suffered by women.

Taking advantage of the opportunities generated by the "green" economy and environment-related activities to increase the activity rate and employment rate of women.

Generating accessible information in order for everyone to understand climate change and its different impacts according to gender, and promoting changes in behavioural habits and active commitments towards sustainable development that promotes equality between women and men.

Taking advantage of digital technologies to promote formulas to move forward towards equality and reducing male violence against women from a feminist perspective.

Promoting interventions that contribute to increasing the interest and engagement of girls and women in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education.

Promoting actions that make women visible in design, production, innovation and technological leadership.

Considering that not everyone starts from the same position in what regards digitalisation processes and that the digital gap affects women more, especially when considering their age, educational level and socioeconomic situation.

Recognising the role of women and feminism in the development of the Basque Country and the progress towards equality between women and men.

Supporting with resources for women's organisations, groups and networks or those that defend the rights of women and girls, enabling their socio-political dialogue and the incidence and impact of their proposals.

Generating spaces from which to give a voice to women's groups that represent realities where inequalities are enhanced (migration, disability, male violence, rurality, etc.)

Generating partnerships with women's movements, feminist and equality groups in the Basque Country.

Considering the inclusion of the gender perspective as an essential strategy to ensure that the different needs, conditions and interests of women and men are taken into account in all policies and actions developed by the Basque public authorities, at all levels and in all phases.

Promoting research on the causes that sustain inequalities against women in all spheres and making visible the reality of all people with data disaggregated by sex.

Increasing the personal, economic and material resources used to promote equality between women and men.

Promoting inter-institutional collaboration and coordination for equality.

Ensuring accountability for the work carried out to move forward towards equality and its impact.