Section of the Country Pact for gender equality and lives free from violence against women.

This site offers resources and tools to better understand the Country Pact and the commitments that the Basque society is undertaking until 2026, as well as updates and developments that are taking place within the framework of this diverse community committed to a more egalitarian and sustainable country, free from male violence.

Country Pact Documents

In this section you will find all the strategic documents derived from the Country Pact:

I want to join

If you want to join the Country Pact individually or as an organization, access the membership form and indicate which of the 10 areas of action of the Country Pact you wish to join. Develop and define your personal commitment or that of your organization by carrying out an internal reflection process. We will accompany you with a system of 5 simple steps that you can find here.

We count on you!


My pact

If you have already joined, access this site where you can find information from the Country Pact, in order to use it in communication and dissemination actions. Likewise, you will have access to your membership commitment that can be updated as many times as necessary, in addition to providing information on the progress you make so that they can be included in the accountability report that will be prepared annually until 2026.

Access this space with the password created during the membership registration process.

Remember that, in order to access and download the logos and other communication elements of the Country Pact, you must complete and send a simple form guaranteeing the proper use of all the materials of the Country Pact. After validating this form and the commitment adhesion document, you will have access to the logos, Country Pact materials and all the resources generated by the community.

Access to my pact


Bilbao Basket, primer club de baloncesto en adherirse al Pacto de País por la igualdad

Here you will find news and updates generated within the framework of the Country Pact:

Emakunde impulsa un diálogo intergeneracional para afianzar el compromiso de la sociedad vasca en el avance hacia la igualdad

December 2023

International Congress on Gender Equality, Science and Technology, for a paradigm shift

Emakunde will analyze together with the scientific community the need for a paradigm shift in science and technology in favor of gender equality

Miren Elgarresta: "Accelerating the advancement of equality involves creating synergies in each area, as it has been done in this congress."

Entities adhering to the Country Pact for Gender Equality show their commitments and encourage more members to join

The Country Pact for Gender Equality celebrates its anniversary by reflecting on how to incorporate the gender perspective into the technological world

Emakunde distributes a school agenda to promote gender equality among all students of the Basque Country

The Lehendakari asks the Basque society to adhere to the Country Pact for gender equality and lives free from violence against women

Emakunde presents the Generation Equality initiative to companies and municipalities


In this section you will have access to all multimedia resources generated within the framework of the Country Pact.

Episode 1: "Young men as allies of the Country Pact against online violence"

Episode 2: "Is a feminist Artificial Intelligence possible?"

Emakunde Channel

Testimonies of women who attended the IVth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995)

25th anniversary of the IVth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995)

Generation Equality - Beijing+25. The Basque commitment to gender equality

From Beijing+25 to a social and citizen pact for gender equality and against male violence | Webinar.

Results of intergenerational dialogue. Pilot experience towards the Country Pact.

Generation Equality - A roadmap for a country pact for gender equality (CSW66 Side Event).

Generation Equality ekimena Euskadin - The Generation Equality campaign in Euskadi.

Berdintasunaren eta indarkeriarik gabeko bizitzen aldeko Herri Itunaren aurkezpena.

“Berdintasuna, zientzia eta teknologia. Paradigm aldatzea helburu" nazioarteko biltzarra

Is a feminist Artificial Intelligence possible?

International Congress "Equality, Science and technology, for a paradigm shift"

Complete. Spanish.

Complete. Basque.

Complete. English.

Complete. Sign language.

Generaciones por la igualdad: un legado transformador.

Emakunde Channel