Covid-19 Equality between women and men
The COVID-19 crisis has drastically changed political and social agendas and priorities and all public policies must be reoriented to respond to these priorities. In this sense, it is essential to take into account the gender perspective, so that the measures adopted in the short, medium and long term are as effective as possible, both for women and men, leaving no one behind, in accordance with the commitment contained in the Basque Country 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
The main international and European bodies and several countries have also expressed the need to incorporate the gender perspective in a comprehensive manner in the response to the pandemic and have published recommendations and documents to this end.
Some of these materials are compiled below.
COVID19 and violence against women
- Services for women victims of violence
- Dealing with COVID-19 and building the future from gender equality. Recommendations by Emakunde (PDF)
- Dealing with COVID-19 and building the future from gender equality. Recommendations by Emakunde and measures adopted by the Basque Government (PDF)
- In coronavirus time, + care. Let's do our part
Spanish and Basque Autonomous Community Organizations
- Informe CUMADE: Análisis sobre impacto de género en el cuidado de mayores y dependientes durante la Covid19 (CUMADE) Dic. 2021
- Impacto de la pandemia por COVID-19 en la violencia de género en España (Ministerio de Igualdad)
- La perspectiva de género, esencial en la respuesta a la COVID-19 (INSTITUTO DE LA MUJER Y PARA LA IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES)
- Covid-19 y desigualdad de género en España (ESADE)
- Las vidas en el centro. Propuestas para hacer frente a la crisis del Covid-19 y al neoliberalismo patriarcal y colonial (COORDINADORA FEMINISTA DE EUSKAL HERRIA)
- La población de Euskadi frente a la Covid-19 (GABINETE DE PROSPECCIÓN SOCIOLÓGICA)
- Boletín Igualdad en la Empresa Nº 60. Igualdad de género y COVID-19 (INSTITUTO DE LA MUJER Y PARA LA IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES)
- Guía informativa sobre medidas de conciliación en tiempos del COVID-19 (INSTITUTO ANDALUZ DE LA MUJER)
- Permisos de conciliación - Real Decreto-Ley 8/2020, de 17 de marzo, de medidas urgentes extraordinarias para hacer frente al impacto económico y social del COVID 19 (DEPARTAMENTO DE EMPLEO Y POLÍTICAS SOCIALES)
European Union
- COVID-19 and gender equality (EIGE)
- The Covid-19 pandemic and intimate partner violence against women in the EU
- COVID-19: National Equality Bodies report impacts on equality and share their responses to the coronavirus pandemic (EQUINET)
- How will the COVID-19 crisis affect existing gender divides in Europe? (EUROPEAN COMMISION)
Council of Europe
Europeans Women´s Lobby
United Nations
- "Put women and girls at the center of efforts to recover from COVID-19"
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
- List of gender-related covid-19 resources by un entity
UN Women
- Women and COVID-19: Five things governments can do now
- Checklist for COVID-19 response
- Women on the frontlines of COVID-19
- COVID19 - Corresponsabilidad en los hogares
- #HeForSheDesdeCasa - Guía para ayudarnos a crear espacios colaborativos en nuestra vida diaria y durante esta cuarentena por el COVID-19
- "COVID-19: Women front and center"
- Rapid guide: Gender, COVID-19 and audit
- COVID-19 and gender: What do we know; what do we need to know?
- COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters
- Violence against women and girls data collection during COVID-19: Why data collection during covid-19 is important
- COVID-19: Promoting positive gender roles in marketing and advertising
- Family-friendly policies and other good workplace practices in the context of COVID-19: Key steps employers can take
- COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
- The Shadow Pandemic: Violence Against Women and Girls and COVID-19
- How are women uniquely impacted by crises like COVID-19?
- Addressing the economic fallout of COVID-19: Pathways and policy options for a gender-responsive recovery
- COVID-19 & Gender: Inclusive responses to leave no one behind
- Briefing note: the economic impacts of covid-19 and gender inequality recommendations for policymakers
- Four key actions to include women’s needs in the COVID-19 response
- The impacts of COVID-19 on women’s economic autonomy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Other resources
- OPERATION 50/50: Women's Perspectives Save Lives (WOMEN IN GLOBAL HEALTH)
- Statement on COVID-19 and WWD (WOMEN ENABLE)
- hy we need women’s leadership in the COVID-19 response (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)
- Women’s Leadership in the COVID-19 Response (E-DISCUSSION) (IKNOWPOLITICS)
- Gender and COVID-19: A guidance note for parliaments (INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION)
- Men, masculinities and COVID-19: actions, resources and connecting online (MEN ENGAGE ALLIANCE)
- COVID-19 Could Condemn Women To Decades of Poverty: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s and Girls’ Economic Justice and Rights (CARE INTERNATIONAL UK)